Where I Belong

All my life, I've always felt oddly out of place, like I don't quite belong. I was a loner in school. I didn't have many friends and most people didn't like me. I was afraid of being judged so I kept to myself. I walked down the hallways alone and seldom had people to hang out with. The people who did know me and hung out with me were my cousins. I remember someone asking me once, "How many friends do you have?" I began counting my cousins, nieces and sisters. They stopped me halfway and said, "No, no, no. Those are family. I'm asking about friends." I realized I had none. And then I met someone, someone amazing, someone who understood me without me having to say anything. Someone who could just read my mind and know instantly what it is like to be me. Someone who loved me for all I am and accepted all that I was. My husband. He became my best friend. He heard all my stories, wiped my tears and nurtured my soul back to life. He took all tha...