Just...Go For It

I hear it all the time. Is this worth it? Should I do it? What if I fail? What if no one supports me? What if I don't make any money? Well, here's my answer for you: JUST GO FOR IT! Yes. That's your answer. It's always easier for me to say it and harder for you to actually go for it. But in the end, you'll be proud that you did actually go for it.

When you want to start something, it'll be quite lonely. You'll question yourself as you stare into your decreasing bank account if this was the right choice. When friends and families stop calling you to parties because you're always busy, you'll wonder if this was good to do. And when you cry for the hundredth time because things didn't work out as planned, you'll want to give up.

But let me tell you something. JUST GO FOR IT. Yes. Whether you fail or not, it is a lesson you'll learn. You won't do it again the second time around if you didn't see results. If you did, you'll proceed to the next level. Congratulations if you climbed up. Keep pushing if you fell down. The sun will rise tomorrow.

When I first started in my writing career, a lot of publishers told me that my writing pretty much sucked. In fact, their words were, "No one will want to read your writing." "It's boring." "We don't have an audience for your work." Yeah, you bet I cried even though I had pretty thick skin. It's not easy to hear someone slash your hard work. But after I cried, I promised myself I'd never cry again. And I didn't. Sure, no one really saw my work and no one believed in me, but I kept pushing. Eventually, someone heard me and published me. Was it easy? Heck no! Was it worth the wait? Hell yeah!

Even as I ventured into the film world, no one really believed in me either. One, I was a woman competing in a male dominated business. Two, my work was not what most thought was normal. And three, I was not heard of. No one knew who I was and no one shook my hand. But I dragged my feet through the mud and made it out into meadows. Yes, it was hard. Yes, I felt like giving up. Yes, it was a very lonely journey. But the results at the end? Worth every damn sweat that trickled and loss of sleep.

The next time you "think" of something you "want" to do and can't figure out if you should or not, think of this. Someone else will if you don't. So get off your butt and JUST GO FOR IT.


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