A Nyab Is...

A Nyab is: A woman who has parents that love her. She is a woman who has siblings who may not always agree with her, but are her best friends. She is a woman who earns the title by marrying into the family. She is a woman who has dreams, goals, and ambitions. She is educated, fierce, and intelligent. She is a mother, a daughter, and an individual. She is a fighter, a giver, and a gift.
A Nyab is not: A doormat for you to use. She is not the subject on your lips to gossip. She is not invincible. She has the right to say no. She is not your punching bag. She is not deemed unworthy because she's short, big bone, or too tall.
This goes out to all my sisters, friends, families, acquaintances, and people I've yet to meet. You are a worthy Nyab.


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