Mirage Chapter 4

Life had a switch button, Brad swore, because it had switched to perfect overnight. Since her confession, he’d gone to bed smiling and waking up to finding the smile was still there. There was a part of him still that was doubtful this was all a dream. He was afraid he’d wake up and she wouldn’t be smiling at him when he entered the bakery. He didn’t want to go a day without kissing her. Her fragrance was a delight to inhale and her eyes were a joy to stare into. Everything about her was perfect and his life was now completed by the sound of her laughter. He’d been prescribed life’s sweetest gift. He always got his usual coffee and blue berry pie in the morning and took her out to lunch. Then when she got off work, he took her to his home where he cooked them a meal. Their evenings ended with them on the couch discussing books, debating which author was more brilliant, and which artist brought out better visuals. ...