Beating as One Chapter 3

“Is this what you truly want? It’s just simply a matter of disagreement. You sure about this?” Meena Ly asked as she stared at the red eyed Anne.

            The afternoon sun’s lighting made Anne squint her eyes. She was sitting in her sun room wearing all black with her hair undone and her face free of makeup. Meena, her older sister, was sitting across from her wearing a pink floral dress, perfect for spring. She looked so put together, Anne felt jealous.

            “It’s just a separation trial,” Anne said. “I want to try it. I’m tired of having to make it work when it doesn’t. I just want to have peace. I’ve forgotten how peace feels like.”

            Meena walked to her and took her hands. “Anne, he loves you. He does. Have you forgotten about how you felt when you found out you were pregnant with Ryan? Who was there for you when you were alone? He was.”

            Anne sobbed. “But now he blames me. That’s what hurts the most, Meena. He promised he’d never blame me for this life. And now that it’s not going as planned, he’s pointing fingers at me. He doesn’t care about how this is making me feel or about our children.”

            “Says who? You? You came up with this idea to separate because he blamed you? And what did you do to him? You pushed him away.”

            Anne pushed Meena’s hands away from her. “You’re supposed to be helping me!”

            Laughing, Meena replied, “Really? I’m not picking sides, Anne. I hate making enemies, especially with you two. I’m just looking for a resolution here. There’s so much to lose if you decide to throw it away.”

            “I didn’t say I was going to throw it away. I just said I was going to give it some time to breathe. There’s a difference.”

            “You know what I think? I think you two need to get away from here for a while. Go somewhere exotic and make love on a beach.”

            Anne gasped. “Are you insane? We’re hardly touching each other. How exactly are we going to be making love on a beach?”

            “It’s about time.”


            Meena smiled. “Too bad because Chad and I have it all set up already. You and Jed in Hawaii for two weeks…alone in a great suite where you will find the love in each other again.”

            Anne stood up, shaking her head. “No! You have to return those tickets. Or better yet, you and Chad go.”

            “No, Chad and I are going to stay here and keep an eye on Janelle. You deserve to go, Anne.”

            Anne suddenly felt sad and she sat down again. Tears filled her eyes as she took a long breath. “He doesn’t look at me the same way anymore, Meena. I thought marriage was supposed to be forever. One moment I was a happy young married mother and then I woke up to this. How do I spend two weeks with a man I hardly know anymore?”

            Meena knelt down and laid her hands on Anne’s knees. “Look, sweetie, sometimes in life, we get carried away with things we don’t mean to be. Jed loves you so much. When I look at the two of you, I know that you’re meant to be together. Sometimes you hit a rough patch and you have to fight through it. It doesn’t mean you give up. Married people hurt each other because sometimes it just feels good. I want you to really think this through, Anne. You don’t give up on the person you love. If you give up now, what does that say about you?”


            The blue water rushed up against the sandy beach as Anne and Jed walked side by side. The sun was on their backs and the sound of laughter surrounded them. The ride to Hawaii was a tiring one and as soon as they landed, Anne opted for a drink. Dressed in a white cotton summer skirt and a black tang top, Anne felt light hearted as she watched the tourists take full advantage of their time in beautiful Waikiki beach. Although Jed had agreed to come along with her, they hadn’t said a word to each other. At the airport, she’d cried when she left Janelle and Ryan behind with Meena. Two weeks without her children felt like a lifetime and two weeks with her husband felt like a punishment.

            Anne pushed the black strand of hair behind her ear as she walked closer to the water. She dipped her toe into the water and as she did, a wave washed up toward her. She lost her balance and she felt strong arms catch her. But when she looked up, it wasn’t Jed’s face, she saw, it was another man’s. The water was rushing through her legs and skirt, but all she saw was the man who had rescued her. He helped her stand up and she saw that Jed was sitting at a bar drinking from a fruity glass, checking his phone. She turned her attention back to her rescuer.

            “Thank you,” she said.

            “You’re American,” he said with a deep British accent and a smile.

            “And you’re not.”

            “You caught that, huh? Was it my accent or my devilishly good looks?”

            Oh my God, Anne thought, he’s flirting with me. She smiled. “Both, I guess.”

            He extended his hand to her. “I’m Marcus Damarian, the third.”

            She took his hand. “Hello Marcus, I’m Anne. Thank you for saving me.”

            “You saved my wife?” Jed asked as he joined them.

            Anne removed her hand from Marcus’ hold and took a deep breath. “Jed, this is Marcus. Marcus, meet Jed, my husband.”

            Marcus didn’t shake Jed’s hand, but nodded. “Hello.”

            Jed ignored him and took Anne by the elbow. “Shall we?”

            Anne smiled once at Marcus and followed Jed back toward the entrance to their suite. They were quiet and she could feel the fume of jealousy heating up. She hadn’t done anything wrong, but yet she was scared. Marcus had set her heart beat off and she hadn’t been sure why. Was it because it had been a long time since anyone had flirted with her? Or was it because it was something she’d never do again? The ride up the elevator was quiet and long as how they were on the fifteenth floor. When it finally opened, she walked off first and opened the door to their suite.

            The suite, more like an apartment really, held a king sized bed and two large walk in closets with light ivory drapes around the bed. The patio door was opened and breeze was blowing in. There were wild flowers in every corner of the room and a large flat screen was located in the living room where a black leather wraparound couch lived with a thick sheep skin rug and a fireplace. It was really a to die for place to stay and Anne knew that Meena was doing her a favor by giving her this vacation.

            “So we’re not here for even a day yet and you’re already flirting with another man,” Jed said as he slammed the door to their suite.

            Anne turned around and crossed her arms. “Did you see me flirt with him? Did you hear me exchange flirtatious words?”

            Jed walked to her, his eyes blaring with heat. “You wanted him.”

            “He saved me! You left me stranded and went to have a drink! Tell me what’s wrong with this picture.”

            “I didn’t leave you. I went to buy you a drink and was waiting for yours to arrive. I thought I’d surprise you. But obviously, you were quite occupied.”

            Anne felt stunned as she listened to his words. She watched as he turned his back to her and began to busy himself with unpacking. She looked away, ashamed and embarrassed. Slowly, she walked to him and reached out to touch his shoulder. He turned around and stared at her with harshness.

            “I’m sorry,” she said.

            “Forget it. Isn’t that what you say all the time? I’m taking a shower.”

            Anne sat down on the bed and covered her face with her hands. What was she thinking? She turned around and began to unpack her clothes when she realized that Meena had gone through her things and inserted naughty little lingerie pieces. She gasped when she pulled out a black sheer night gown.

            “Meena!” she cried.

            Next, she found a pair of push up bras and a very see through slip. Blushing, she stuffed them back into her suitcase just as the water was shut off. She looked up as Jed came out of the bathroom dressed in black shorts and a white tee. He dropped his towel on the bed and came to stand before her. Then his eyes drifted to something behind her and she turned to follow his gaze. Sticking out of the suitcase was the black naughty lingerie piece. She gasped and reached to shut it but he plucked it out of the suit case and held it up for her to see. She blushed and bit her lower lip.

            “Were you planning on wearing this for me?” Jed asked.

            Anne stood up and reached for it, but he held it out of her reach. When she tried again, he grabbed her waist and they both fell to the bed. It had been months since they were this close and Anne could feel his warmth seeping onto her skin. He tossed the lingerie onto the floor and reached up to touch her face. As soon as his fingers caressed her cheeks, she was lost. Amazingly, after all these years, he was the only one who knew where to touch her. When she began to quiver, he kissed her. If she had been wrong about his kiss before, there was no denying about it this time. She could feel his teeth on her lips, pulling, biting, and forcing her lips open. The build she felt in her belly was growing and she was on fire as he ran his hands down her body to her buttocks and cupped her bottom. But when she thought the fire was going to explode, it began to die down. Jed pulled away from her and stared at her. Then he got off of her and she sat up, embarrassed.

            “I’m sorry, Anne.” When he walked off, Anne curled up in a ball and cried.


            The waves washed in hitting Anne’s feet as she sat on the white sand looking at the setting sun. She’d pulled on a black two piece swim suit and decided to take a swim. But when she arrived at the beach, all thoughts of the water faded when she thought of nothing but floating up dead between the waves. When Jed left her in their bedroom, a part of her broke into pieces and no matter how much her mind told her it was ok, her heart told her it was probably better off broken. She’d never been rejected and it hurt. But getting rejected from your husband was worse and she didn’t understand what she’d done wrong.

            She scooped up a handful of sand and let it fall between her fingers. She watched as it made a small hill between her feet and then she took her finger and pushed it all to one side. She looked up as a couple strolled down the beach arm in arm. The woman was a gorgeous brunette with a body to die for as the man held her around the waist. It wasn’t that they were a handsome couple. It was the way he held her that made Anne ache. It was so long since someone held her like that. It meant a way of belonging and a way of love.

            “Quit stalking me.”

            Anne looked up and saw Marcus standing before her wearing a white button down shirt and khaki shorts. He looked fresh from a shower and he had his hands in his pockets, staring at her with a deep passionate look that made her heart jump.

            “You’re thinking too highly of yourself,” Anne replied.

            He laughed as he sat down beside her. “Was that an insult?”

            Anne smiled and lowered her gaze without answering. Marcus laughed and shook his finger at her.

            “It was, wasn’t it?”

            Shrugging her shoulders, she said, “Read it any way you like.”

            “What are you doing out here? And where is that husband of yours? Shouldn’t he be possessing that body of yours?”

            She blushed and lowered her gaze. “You’re quite blunt.”

            “Forgive me, milady, it’s the English in me. I am sorry. Forgive me. I am not quite accustomed to being around such a beautiful woman. I seem to have my tongue tied.”

            Anne turned to look at him. “Don’t forget I am spoken for.”

            “I haven’t forgotten, Anne.”

            “Why are you here alone? Where’s your, what did you call me? Milady?”

            Marcus laughed. “If you must know, I am not spoken for. I am here not for pleasure, but for business.”

            “You do business here?”

            “Yes, as a matter of fact, the spectacular building behind you, is mine.”

            Anne turned to look at the hotel she was staying in and then turned back to look at Marcus. “You’re kidding me?”

            “I kid you not, milady. I own it.”

            “Wow, that’s amazing. You have a wonderful hotel. I love it very much.”

            Marcus sighed and shook his head. “Don’t try to steer from the problem. You must tell me why you’re sitting out here alone when you’ve got a husband in there waiting for you.”



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