Stay Home

Quarantine. Since the beginning of 2020, we've been fighting an invisible virus that has taken so much of the loved ones in our lives. You are not alone when you mourn lost loved ones. Each day, when I open up my social media platforms and I see a "RIP," my heart breaks. This year has been an eye changing year for so many of us and yet, we haven't learned anything. 

I have family members who work in the health care fields and they're pleading with their upmost heart felt cries to STAY AT HOME. Hospital beds are filling up fast and when you walk in because you cannot breathe, you won't be treated right away. Beds that are meant for other patients are being taken over by covid patients. It is a frightening time in the world. 

I see social platforms as you do and there are those who party like nothing has changed. Each time I am looking across my newsfeed, I am met with their photos of gatherings of more than 10 and enjoying social gatherings like no one is dying. PLEASE...STOP. THINK OF YOUR FAMILY AND OTHERS. 

The time has come to celebrate holidays with members of your family who live only in your home. Invitation doesn't extend to anyone else outside of that. Learn that change is hard but if you don't learn to adapt, WE WILL NEVER STOP THIS SPREAD. Get it through your mind that celebrating the holidays with just the people in your household is ABSOLUTELY FINE! 

I hope that we will find hope to cure this soon. Until then, take precaution and practice social distance and WEAR YOUR MASK! For the sake of your family and mine, let's keep this spread under control. 


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