I Forgive You
When my mother lay on her deathbed, she said to me, "Forgive...even in the absence of an apology. You may wonder why I have always been a happy person despite so many people who look down on me. I am happy because I forgive. And so should you."
Today, I am beginning a new chapter of in my book of life. It is a chapter that has been heavy because it is filled with hurt and lies...from others. I realized that no matter how far I may go in life, to the person who does not support or love me, they will always see me as someone below them and hate me silently.
That is ok.
My journey in my life is mine alone. If they are to hate me silently, let them hate me silently. Because it does not prevent me from continuing to do all I can do.
We often tread lightly on this subject of forgiveness because most times it involves family members. But today I will tell you that if you continue to hold on to the expectation of an apology, you will find that it will never come. When my mother passed, I sat down and thought about what she said, what she advised me to do. And I began forgiving one by one, all the people who I expected to apologize for what they did wrong.
It was a long list, I tell you.
But after I burned all those papers and said out loud, "I forgive you," I felt a beautiful new light enter me. I found peace. I found happiness. I found myself.
Remember that those who hurt you on purpose, with intent, with hate...will likely be proud of the fact that you think about them daily. Do not give them that much credit. Cut them loose and let yourself live free of them. In fact, live so happy that it will anger them. Your life without toxic people will be a better one.
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