New Beginnings

As production is set to begin, I am filled with such a deep inner satisfaction that I am beginning to truly live my dreams. At the audition, I got to see firsthand the power of the passion of talented actors who will bring to life a story that has been on the shelf for years. I am so excited to see the beginning of a new chapter unfold. This story, has stolen my heart away and I didn't even realize it. I am so in love with each and every one of the characters that I find myself daydreaming about their lives and falling in love all over again. As a writer, you must be able to live in your character's moments, feel it, and know it before you can hand it over to an actor to give it breath. I feel that I have given my everything in writing this piece and my keyboards are still stained with my tears. It is a piece of work that has given my heart a whole new meaning to the word of "sacrifice."' I am so endlessly amazed at the feelings I get each time I reread it. ...