
Dellana They say that love can come your way at any given point in life. Whether you are prepared or not, it will hit you. Sometimes it comes softly and gives you subtle hints and you’re left wondering if it was true love. Then, at other times, it hits you so hard you’re physically swept off your feet. One thing I know for sure is that when I met Connor, I was swept hard away. I’d always been the quiet friend who held purses while the other girls walked off with guys to dance. I wore geeky glasses and I wasn’t very well developed when it came to body parts, even at the age of 30. I had wondered if I would be alone for the rest of my life. Then love came my way without any warning and I ended up falling in love deeper than I ever expected. Love is like a thief. It slithers into your heart without you noticing and takes away the one thing you ...