
Showing posts from 2018

2018 Reflections

Wow! Just like that and 2018 is coming to an end. I remembered when the year began and I was thinking how long it would be until December. And here it has arrived. Christmas was here and already over with. It seems, I blinked and it ended. The Christmas tree is still up and I still am hearing Christmas music, but all that will end soon. And the time to celebrate the last day of 2018 will come upon us.  My reflections of 2018 are of sadness, growth and love. Sadness is when I think to the moment where I lost my father. It was in early 2018, February to be exact, and I thought about how horrible the year was. It began with so much pain and so much tears. I didn't think I'd grow from it or even breathe again. But I did. Growth is what I found next, growing from the pain, from the loss and from the tragic. To move on, you have to grow, and you have to find the ability to move on, no matter how much it may hurt. Love, is when you know you still have those around you who can h...

Breathless With Nick

          Lucy Wallace sat in the chair of the dark corner watching her husband glare at her as he stood by the doorway with a suitcase in his hand. She recalled he said something like he had to leave…her. But her mind had closed off the moment she saw the suitcase. She knew something wasn’t right and the thought made her chest swell to the point of pain. Now as she sat watching his emotionless eyes, she knew that love was never real for them. It was just an imagination that she so wanted to be real. How could it be real? She, a farmer’s daughter from the country side and him, a city boy who was rich and could have anything he wanted. They came together because they wanted to prove that everyone was wrong about them. Well, now that she knew the truth, everyone had proved her wrong.           “Did you hear me?” Scott Wallace asked as he set the suitcase down. She ignored him and shut her e...