
When I began production, I never thought I'd be here. It seemed to long to this point. But we're three days away from screening and I'm still pinching myself. It's been a wonderful journey and I've spent it with some of the most incredible people who have taught me so much. I wouldn't change the past two years for anything. It has been the most self reflecting two years of my life. I'm finally doing what I truly love and working with some of the most passionate people. I invite you to join us this weekend! Come see what we worked so hard for and come see the story that has changed me in ways I never thought possible. Saturday April 30, 2016 7PM Sunday May 1, 2016 7PM Carmike Oakdale Theaters 1188 Helmo Ave. N. Oakdale, MN Tickets sold at door $12 (cash only) Q and A in the lobby afterwards