Kuab Muaj Tsuas 2:The Miraculous Cure Revolution Premier

From Imagination Entertainment comes a story about legends, lost secrets, and a place set in a time before history was written. Director/Actor Yengtha Her once again brings to the screen Kuab Muaj Tsuas 2: The Miraculous Cure Revolution, showing two stories woven into one. An action packed, romantic tale that picks up on the story of Yeej Suab and See Yees’ relationship and the fight to maintain the miraculous cure from getting into the wrong hands, and the same time, to protect the legendary book from being stolen. You don’t want to miss this one. Kuab Muaj Tsuas 2 will be premiered at your local theater for the experience of seeing Hmong films on the big screen. Now is the time to come help support your Hmong artists in rising to be better. It will be premiered at Willow Creek Theater on November 8 and 9 at 5PM with a red carpet event before screening. All actors from overseas will be present and will be signing autographs and taking photos. Do not miss your chance. Kuab...