50 Shades of Grey Triology

So how many of you have read this series? I am on my third installment and I have to say, Christian Grey is quite the SEDUCTIVE man. The author has painted an amazing picuture of this alluring man who dresses like GQ and has a passion that sets us all ablaze. His talk, his look, his sexual demanor (WOW) is all so....ADDICTING. I finished books one and two in one week and am now working on book three. I find Christian to be...sensual, yet dark in sad way. His scars and how he doesn't want to be touched, says a lot about him as a scarred child. When I read him, I feel as if I am understood as a woman at times and then I feel as if I'm trepassing on dangerous grounds. If you haven't heard, it is going to be turned into a film. I hope that it doesn't get turned into a romantic comdey, because that will just ruin everything. So I'd like to hear your thoughts on who should play Christian Grey and Ana Steele? Although in the book, Christian is written as a young m...