Atticus: A Labor and Delivery Blog

I woke up Sunday morning recovering from a night of restless contractions. I'm thinking to today the day? I'm 39 weeks and as much as I love the pregnant belly, the glow and the kicks from inside, I'm ready to hold him. Throughout the day, I'm feeling contractions every other hour and just feeling a little restless. My last appointment, my midwife checked me and I was dilated to 2 at 80% effaced. We talked about options available to me. She'd asked me if I was ok with being induced if labor hadn't kicked in by the following week. She'd mentioned how she only offered this to patients who had a very favorable cervix. I could also wait and see if anything happened on its own. I told her I didn't mind being induced or waiting to see what would happen. Both options were good in my opinion. Throughout the day, I cleaned (nesting stage) did some jewelry work and then around 1pm I had my zoom meeting with my team. When I finished the meeting, I ca...